My "vanity table"...this is actually just the top of my black drawer -_-" Don't actually have room in my room for a vanity table! anyway I put my brushes, accessories, moisturizers, hair sprays, face primers, the sucky BareMinerals (I hate the loose powder) and etc. on it. It's PACKED. -_- Anyway I got this pretty table cloth when I was back in HK a month ago, glad I got it cuz it covers the stuff right underneath the top!

I got this from someone and it fits 9 lipsticks/glosses (I don't really use lip gloss cuz it's sticky and it gets onto my coffee mug), but I put this on my vainty table and I just put my lip glosses in it since I don't have that many. I saw something similar to this at Daiso and I think it had 15 slots. I strongly recommend it :)

So one time I went to Daiso in Aberdeen Center and I found these amazing little drawers. They're sold in layers so you can buy as many layers as you and stack them. I bought these two bigger ones they were $3.50 CAD each. I put my MAC pallette at the top, fits perfectly :)

I keep my eyeshadows on the bottom drawer

I keep my blushes & bronzers on the top drawer.

I use this Guess box that came with my watch to store my foundations.

I got these smaller drawers and they were $2/ layer

I put my mascaras, eyeliners in the bottom drawer

Sample perfumes in this halved drawer

From Daiso as well, I fit 25 lipsticks in there, need to get another 1 now...!

one drawer for concealers, lash glue, eyeshadow bases

one of the halved drawer for tools (eyebrows, lashes, sharpener...) yes I know I didn't clean that lash thingy... I don't really use it anymore though =P
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