MAC shadestick in Sharkskin (just black)

top left corner: Lancome Latte (matte white)
middle quad: Lancome cream powder eyecolour quad (top left:Nuance, top right:Mauve Lustre, bottom left: Rose Ancien, bottom right: Raisin)
right bottom corner: Estee Lauder W-08 Black Moon Dark

Mauve Lustre on inner corners (optional: NYX pots&pans jumbo pencil first) & inner 1/3 of lid
Raisin on outter 2/3 of lid (not passing the "double lid line") & outter 2/3 of lower lashline
Raisin on outter 2/3 of lid (not passing the "double lid line") & outter 2/3 of lower lashline
MAC shadestick on outter-v & outter 2/e of lower lash line
Rose Ancien on crease & mid section of lower lashline
Nuance right above Rose Ancien as a transition colour (it might look gold but its more orangey)
Black Mooon Dark right on top of MAC shadestick on outter-V
Latte on browbone highlight
MAC blacktrack fluidline on upper lash line
MAC NC15 Chromagraphic pencil on bottom water line
Heroine Kiss Me mascara
Lorac Blush in "Plum"
Benefit Hoola for contour
MAC "By Candlelight" MSF as highlight
MAC "honey love"
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